GRAS announces partnership with CAPI
Content provided by CAPI
The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) is the place for agri-food leaders to come together, share insights and advance ideas on emerging issues in agri-food. CAPI collaborates with partners in Canada and around the world, to conduct research, convene dialogue and communicate policy solutions to the challenges and opportunities facing Canadian agriculture and food. CAPI advances policy solutions on topics that add value and fill gaps within the agri-food policy ecosystem in Canada.

CAPI is excited to partner with the Grand River Agricultural Society. GRAS is truly a partnership-building organization, contributing to the success of their local communities and beyond. CAPI looks forward to working with GRAS, alongside our other partners, on our upcoming Livestock Whitepaper to advance policy solutions, grounded in building stronger communities across Canada.
“GRAS brings agriculture, education and community together,” says Garth Green, President, GRAS. “Livestock producers and the value-chains that support them are important contributors to those local, regional and national communities. By partnering with CAPI on a Livestock Whitepaper, we can examine the systems we have in place and how we can make them stronger.”
GRAS is partnering with CAPI on a Livestock Whitepaper that will provide a framework to describe and evaluate animal agriculture in Canada and help inform strategies for Canadian livestock industries. The whitepaper will look at the agricultural and socio-economic systems in which animal agriculture plays a part, provide an economic overview of animal agriculture in Canada, while also analyzing Canada in the global context of livestock product supplies and demands. The paper will determine the advantages, challenges, and significance of animal agriculture in Canada and place the findings in context for public decision-makers. By partnering on this paper, we can examine the systems we have in place in Canada and how we can make them even stronger.
“GRAS is truly a partnership-building organization, contributing to the success of their local communities and beyond,” Tyler McCann, Managing Director, CAPI. “We look forward to working with GRAS, alongside our other partners, on our upcoming Livestock Whitepaper which will advance policy solutions, grounded in building stronger communities across Canada.”